Over Christmas break, I installed the shiplap in the bathroom...going on a 5 month reno at this point!

I got a grant through the WV Higher Education Policy Commission to help with the purchase of an NMR spectrometer. Super exciting!

Maggie was starting to stand on her own and getting into all kinds of messes.

Maggie likes to hide things. If you can't find something, look in unlocked cabinets.

She is already great at sharing. She practices with Boo regularly.

Getting things accomplished during basketball season was rough. Whatever works to get dinner on the table...

Will and I went on a date to the Regional championship...and they WON! On to States!

Once the weather broke, we got a few new windows installed. Unfortunately, they make everything else look gross. Can't wait to get this house repainted (which is low on the priority list)!
Will drove Maggie around in the tractor...and dumped her a few times.

Will wore a winter sweater to church in the middle of April.

Sweet kiddos at Easter.

And on April 21, Maggie Gene turned ONE!

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