
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Lunchtime phone conversation

B: listen to my day so far
J: ok. Let's hear it. 
B: well, I need to stay away from you and Will when I get home because something is going around school already. Or something the kids ate didn't sit right. We have sent 8 kids home with diarrhea. 
J: oh no!
B: i had my first graders sitting in a circle, and I asked a little girl and boy to switch places. So, the little girl starts scooting across the floor rather than getting up....And there is a smear of SOMETHING behind her. 
J: Brian, No!
B: wait, it gets worse. 
J: (laughing so hard i might have snorted)
B: the little boy, following directions, goes and sits in her spot and SITS in it!
J: NO!!!! (Can't. Breathe.)
B: Yes! I didnt know what to do! I told the other kids to play, got them both outside and called their classroom teacher, and then realized all the other kids were probably in there running around in poop! OH MY GOSH!

I'm like a 10 year old boy. Poop stories are forever hilarious. So thankful for teachers!

In other news, Will got his first shiner this week. Toy tractor: 1, Will: 0

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

vacation: the best for last

alright. I know. enough of the vacation pictures. but i have to show these.

our friend daniel took some incredible pictures....while everyone was playing and some family shots. i have a stack of freshly spray painted frames just waiting to hold some of these babies.

thanks daniel!!! i'm in love!

Will and his nan.

sweet glasses, huh? i unashamedly stole them from brian for the whole trip.

goodness, child.

i love this picture. my best friend. us and our babies. we used to sit on the beach doing nothing. and spend hours getting ready to go nowhere. 

i think this is the family picture winner.

Monday, August 18, 2014

vacation: part III

i am totally milking these vacation pictures...

on a rainy day at the beach, we took Will to the aquarium with my parents. Will did so good. he's a fella who studies things very carefully, so it was a lot of fun to see him look and discover. my goodness, we love this little guy.