
Wednesday, October 30, 2013


the 24 week pictures were full of some gems...too good not to share.  he wasn't working on filling his pants, so these were genuine disgruntled looks at me while i was trying to get a useable picture.

Monday, October 28, 2013

22, 23, & 24 weeks

22 weeks:   i have no idea what happened this week.

 23 weeks: brian spent a few days in florida for his best friend randy's wedding. Will and i were jealous, but at least i had a few days off for fall break.  we went to the outlets with my mom to do a little shopping.  Will was a trooper...until the ride home.  he cried for an hour and a half, non-stop.  i had played music, turned music off, given him a toy, given him a pacifier, stopped to change his diaper, mom turned around in her seat to rub his face and cover his seat so the sun wasn't in his eyes...NOTHING was working.  about 20 minutes from home i told mom "let me try the civil wars...he likes them".  and from the first note out of joy williams's mouth, the child didn't make another peep.    not. another. peep. i've already started drafting a letter asking joy williams and john paul white to make an album of lullabies.  at least the kid has good taste. little punk.

 24 weeks: this week, we said "isn't he the most perfect little thing" approximately 4,356,447 times. Will is really struggling with his teeth.  we can see them, but they just aren't poking through yet. he keeps his fingers in his mouth for most of the day....i shudder to think of all the germs he is know, like after boo licks her butt, then licks his hand and it's in his mouth before i can get to him. just kidding...that doesn't really happen mom.  even when fussy because of those wittle teef, he really is the most precious little guy.  we are having so much fun.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

funny faces

Will seems to be a pretty serious kid. the video we posted a while back of him laughing (which was also a borderline cry) was the most we've gotten out of him....and that was over a MONTH ago.  apparently, we aren't very funny.  when we finally get a good belly laugh out of him, i had better be wearing some depends.

he's been showing other bits of his personality though...his silly side. at least, i think this demonstrates his silly side.  it could also be his way of trying to tell us that we are crazy....particularly these first few pictures.  regardless, last week the silly faces were plentiful, and i tried to capture some of them....


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

red truck, blue truck

Will is looking at everything these days....our faces, his toes, food we put into our mouths (getting a little hard to eat around him), and cars that drive by.  on nice evenings, we sit outside on the steps and watch cars go up and down the street. i didn't realize he was actually watching the cars until i paid attention to his head slowly moving back and forth, very methodically. funny little guy. 
may have needed a bib for all of that drool

those eyes match his shirt...ridiculous!

Friday, October 11, 2013

20 & 21 weeks

20 weeks:  Will does not appreciate me talking while he is eating.  his new thing is to stop and look up at me if I start talking.  once I apologize and quiet down, he continues with his meal. Jeesh! demanding little booger!

21 weeks: this guy has discovered his toes.  they haven't yet made it into his mouth, but i fear it won't be long.  i couldn't decide between these two pictures, so i went with them both.  we celebrated brian's 29 birthday ;-) this week....snapped some shots of my favorite guys intently watching baby einstein... Will is FIVE MONTHS OLD on sunday...unbelievable!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

iphone photo dump v2

my cousin and i were sharing pictures of our kids the other day...they are only a month apart.  we both had to admit that our phones now exclusively contain pictures of our kiddos. what did we take pictures of before?!?!

cuddlin' with mom in our pj's

first Wesleyan sporting event...came out in Wesleyan gear to support some of mom's students on the soccer field

the legs just need the arms to cooperate

new hair growth....yikes!
one of the best places to fall asleep...nana's arms
a monkey on my butt and a boo on my side

getting ready for the day....squished cheeks

love my piano playstation...thanks aunt dee dee!

'i love you' too Will.  people watching at the forest festival.

those are some thighs

thanks for the warm blanket sandra!
ready for school pictures...except that today was not school picture day...get it together mom!


ready for school pictures, take 2.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

trop-i-cal bird

Will has become very interested in the tv and computer screens. every once in a while, we will plop down at the computer and pull up some baby einstein videos on youtube.  he was so into it that i grabbed the camera, pointed it in our general direction, and snapped away.  this particular series is pretty cute....he loved the flapping and colorful trop-i-cal bird.